Before you choose a real estate school, consider the accreditation, Pre-licensing work, and Study packages. We’ll be looking at some of the most popular options. It is also important to learn how to obtain a free copy the California Real Estate Code from your school’s website. Read our reviews of each school and decide which one is best for you. It may be useful to compare different real-estate schools before making a final decision.

Exam prep

Exam prep for real-estate school is important for passing the state exam. While the exam is largely based on pre-license course content, it does have some extra questions on topics such as fair housing. Luckily, there are a few shortcuts you can take to make studying for the buy plots in hyderabad easier. You can use chapter summaries to help you study, rather than the entire book. Practice quizzes are another way to learn.

Kaplan is another well-known brand that offers exam prep and pre-licensing classes. Kaplan, founded in 1945, is the industry leader. It offers courses in a variety of states and has excellent ratings. Kaplan is very user-friendly, has many features, and offers a 24/7 instructor. The course can be accessed from a computer or a Samsung tablet.

Pre-licensing work

Getting your real estate license does not come with an operating manual. A great way to learn about the industry is to work in pre-licensing at a school for real estate. This class focuses on the business side of real estate. The Business of Real Estate, The Art of Pricing and How to Find A Buyer are some of the topics covered in this class.

Kaplan’s live online course is a live online course that is taught by some of the top minds in real estate. The online course teaches students everything they need to know about marketing and income planning, all from the comfort of their own home. Kaplan pre-licensing plans are expensive but the entry level option doesn’t offer anything beyond the free trial versions Real Estate Express and Aceable agent. It’s definitely worth it.


A quality online real estate school can offer you a wide range of real estate courses, from continuing education to certificate courses. RealEstateU is a good example of a school with a strong focus on online learning, as it offers courses in California, Arizona, Illinois, New York, Texas, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Georgia, Missouri, and Texas. Its basic package consists of 90 hours of education required for licensure, which includes a real estate textbook, exam prep cramer, and unlimited Q&A sessions. You can also find a 30-day business plan course and a specialized contract-writing class.

There are many accreditation bodies for real-estate schools. The ARESB, a well-known body, provides accreditation for realty schools and courses. The state licensing boards can help you confirm that the real estate school you’re considering is accredited. Here are some of most recognized accreditation bodies. Visit the ARESB Education & Real Estate Education Requirements page to find out more.

Study packages

You can choose from a variety of study packages when choosing a school in real estate. Some are more thorough than others, but all include a variety tools that will help your pass the exam. Kaplan offers four study options, including a prelicensing program, a textbook specific to each state, and live or on-demand exam prep. The Real Estate Accelerator is an eight-hour online course that provides additional study material. The Real Estate Accelerator will help build your business skills and provide you with a foundation in business knowledge.

AceableAgent offers coursework for the real-estate exam. If you fail the exam three consecutive times, AceableAgent will refund your money. Aceable Agent’s program is fast-paced and students enjoy it. However, Aceable Agent could use more specific test-taking strategies. Mbition is another exam preparation program. Both programs are approved by the NYS Department of State and are accredited by ARELLO. These programs are great for saving time and can help you get started in your career.